Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Congratulations to Chris and Kelly on their engagement and soon to be wedding!  Unfortunately, I will not be taking part on their summer wedding day in the southern Okanagan, as it is too close for comfort to my due date.  However, I have passed them onto a talented photographer and friend of mine, Kyla with Kay Photos...Chris and Kelly, you are in good hands!  All the best to them on their big day!  Enjoy your Sneak Peek!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


    It was nostalgic for me to head back up to North Campus at UBCO, a place that I have spent many years, not only studying certain academics, such as my Bachelor of Fine Arts, but also experiencing life on campus living in the dorms.  Of course it was called OUC at the time, a small intimate University College, with limited programs and capacity.  Six years later I see the development and growth this campus has accomplished.  
    Julia is one of UBCO's 2012 graduates, and she had her family and loved ones there to support her.  Congratulations and all the best to you Julia!